Friday, January 4, 2013


We did it!

December 12, 2012
Picture courtesy of Erin Johns

If you're reading this now, I can assume at least one of three things:

1) You were a witness to our wedding and cannot wait to see how our pledge to honor our guests unfolds...

2) You are a Facebook friend of Josh or Megan and were feelin' a bit curious,

3) You are utterly bored out of your mind today and were hoping to find something interesting here.

If you need a refresher on our little project we've got goin' on, here is what was tied to each place card at the reception (which, by the way, did you know was a handmade, hand-painted ornament?!) :

Instead of a favor you’ll just throw away,
We chose instead to make someone’s day.
For each of you here to celebrate with us,
We’ve pledged one hour of community service.
We’re grateful for the blessings we’ve been
given from above.
Now it’s our turn to spread the love!

While we may not have an official count from that night, we're going to stick with the number 280, which is what we gave as our final head count. In fact, we're (Megan) is feeling so generous that we're going to round up and commit ourselves to a solid 300 hours of service. Yup - 300.

Stay tuned for all of the excitement!

Josh & Megan

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