Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Up and Running...Literally

Happy Spring, everyone!

Between school, extracurriculars, a couple ongoing service projects, and of course, a little fun, we've been B-U-S-Y!

We wanted to bring you up to speed on one awesome local group we've committed to helping out this spring: Run for the Call.

Run for the Call is a movement of people from all walks of life who have committed to run in this weekend's Flying Pig races in order to raise awareness about vocations. We promote the message that every person has a specific vocation intended by God. Josh and I feel so blessed that God called us to be husband and wife.  He is calling others to be priests or religious brothers and sisters. Still others are
meant to live chaste single lives within the world.

We all have a vocation. By chasing after your vocation with zeal and passion, you will find the most rewarding life you can possibly experience on this earth.

By running, we will not only be promoting a culture of vocations, but we also hope to raise money to
support seminarians: the young men who are discerning God’s will for them to become priests. Whatever money is raised will be used to support future priests in both their emergency and tuition expenses and in creating opportunities for them to have immersion experiences which will help them to become better priests.

Throughout the month of April, Josh and I will be participated in a Run-A-Thon, marking our miles for every training run as we prepared for the Flying Pig. I pledged to run 75 miles, and have committed to running the 10k (6.2 miles) on Saturday, as well as Leg 3 of the Marathon Relay (8ish miles) on Sunday. Josh pledged to run 90 miles, and has committed to the 10k on Saturday.

We would be so grateful if you would consider pledging to support us or one of the other runners with
a quarter, fifty-cents, a dollar, or more for each mile that we run in the month of April. Please pledge
your support following this link: Run for the Call Pledge form . You can give your donation to Josh or I, or you can send it to the address below. You can also pay by credit card at the site listed below.

If monetary support isn't a practical choice for you at this time, we are also appreciative of your prayers. You can follow the link below to pledge your support through prayer.

If you would like to make a one time gift to Run for the Call, follow this link to pay by credit/debit card or electronic check(All donations are 100% tax deductible.) You can also send a check to:
Vocation Office
c/o Run for the Call
100 E. Eighth St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202
If you would also like to support Run for the Call through prayer, you can pledge your support here.

Friday, January 4, 2013


We did it!

December 12, 2012
Picture courtesy of Erin Johns

If you're reading this now, I can assume at least one of three things:

1) You were a witness to our wedding and cannot wait to see how our pledge to honor our guests unfolds...

2) You are a Facebook friend of Josh or Megan and were feelin' a bit curious,

3) You are utterly bored out of your mind today and were hoping to find something interesting here.

If you need a refresher on our little project we've got goin' on, here is what was tied to each place card at the reception (which, by the way, did you know was a handmade, hand-painted ornament?!) :

Instead of a favor you’ll just throw away,
We chose instead to make someone’s day.
For each of you here to celebrate with us,
We’ve pledged one hour of community service.
We’re grateful for the blessings we’ve been
given from above.
Now it’s our turn to spread the love!

While we may not have an official count from that night, we're going to stick with the number 280, which is what we gave as our final head count. In fact, we're (Megan) is feeling so generous that we're going to round up and commit ourselves to a solid 300 hours of service. Yup - 300.

Stay tuned for all of the excitement!

Josh & Megan